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Sunday, August 6, 2017


Dear Mf

Verizon Wireless was just caught in the act of what looks like a blatant violation net neutrality.

Last week, without warning or permission from its customers, Verizon throttled bandwidth speeds down to 10Mbs. Users trying to stream video or use certain apps were caught in an internet slow lane and couldn't do anything about it.

But because of Title II net neutrality protections, the press has called the company out.1

Verizon, AT&T, and Comcast have argued that they should be able to regulate net neutrality on their own, without FCC rules. Verizon just proved why we can never let that happen.

Will you chip in $5 to help fight for net neutrality?

Verizon has argued that it was performing a "test" on bandwidth that was perfectly legal.2 But the truth is that Verizon can brazenly break net neutrality rules because it has confidence that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai—a former Verizon attorney—will dismantle net neutrality and let the company off the hook.

The 2.5 million comments our Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality generated to the FCC show that the public is united against the Trump FCC's repeal of net neutrality. 

As for the CEOs of AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon—they have turned down the invitation to speak before Congress and defend their stance.3 They know that there is no public good argument in favor of disbanding net neutrality rules.

Instead, the telecom industry is relying on the over $25 million in campaign donations it made during last year's election to convince Congress to support Pai's effort to destroy net neutrality.4

Our voices need to be louder than Comcast's checkbook. We are continuing our fight for net neutrality and organizing meetings across the country to put pressure on the FCC and Congress to keep Title II protections in place.

Will you chip in $5 to help stand up for net neutrality against Verizon and Comcast?

Thanks for standing with us, 

Kurt Walters, Demand Progress


1. USA Today, "Verizon slows video traffic, causing concerns for net neutrality advocates," July 26, 2017
2. Ibid.
3. Endgadget, "Tech CEOs haven’t yet agreed to attend House net neutrality hearing," July 31, 2017
4., "Telecom Services & Equipment: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates, Parties, and Outside Groups," accessed August 4, 2017

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